Monday, October 27, 2008

Film Clip Summary

I thought that the Sagmeister 08 video was very interesting.  It really showed that graphic designers are indeed artists.  They may not always paint on a huge canvas or create a mural, but the projects they do are art.  I thought it was really interesting that he said, "worrying solves nothing."  I think that that is a great way to look at life.  He also said taking risks has always payed off for him.  I think that taking risks is essential to any artist, or any business for that matter, to be successful.  Another common thing he talks about in the video is that everyone thinks they are right.   I also agree 100% with this statement.  When he says, "money doesn't make me happy, and my dreams have no meaning" is kind of realization of what is really important in life.  That you should do what makes you happy sometimes, not what people tell you to do. 

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